
Healthfire is committed to making its website available to as many people as possible. Many internet users can find websites difficult to use due to the way they have been designed. We recognise that this is an important issue and are making changes to ensure that the Healthfire website is accessible in accordance with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) guidelines.

Changes to improve accessibility are ongoing, but if you come across a page you find difficult to use please let us know.

Access Keys

  • 0 - Accessibility
  • 1 - Home
  • 2 - About Us
  • 3 - Latest News
  • 4 - Our Services
  • 5 - Selected Projects
  • 6 - Help & Advice
  • 7 - Contact Us

Access keys allow people to navigate the site - without using their mouse. To use the keys shown above Windows users can navigate by typing ALT+Accesskey.

Internet Explorer users may need to hit the "ENTER" key to activate a link.

Firefox users should use SHIFT+ALT+Accesskey.

Mac users should use CTRL+Accesskey (not COMMAND+Accesskey, which can produce undesired effects).

High Contrast Layout

This website is also available in a "High Contrast" format. To make use of this facility the "High Contrast" style sheet should be selected.

Internet Explorer and Firefox users can select a high contrast format using the main browser menu. Click on "View" then select "Style" ("Page Style" in Firefox} then click on "High Contrast" from the pop-up menu.