Fire Safety Training Needs Analysis

Training needs analysis and fire safety training based in the ward or training room.

Appropriate staff training is essential to both minimise the likelihood of a fire incident and to ensure the preparedness of those tasked with providing an emergency response.

Historically guidance recommended a blanket minimum duration and frequency of fire safety training to be undertaken by all staff irrespective of their roles and responsibilities and extent of their involvement in implementing the emergency fire action plan.

The detailed fire strategy reports provided by Healthfire incorporate the appropriate means of escape and evacuation strategy, passive and active fire protection, and necessary provisions for fire fighting.

Changes to Firecode guidance, instigated by Healthfire's principle consultant, recognise that staff training should reflect the fire risks present in the premises, the number of people at risk, and responsibilities of staff in a fire emergency.

As a result it is considered appropriate that those members of staff involved in the care of patients, and hence likely to be responsible for their evacuation during a fire emergency, are provided with more frequent and in-depth training and those who may only be required to evacuate themselves from the building on the sounding of an alarm.

Healthfire can undertake a thorough analysis of the training needs of your staff to ensure that fire safety training is appropriate, relevant and provides the training your staff require, whilst ensuring that limited training resource is targeted effectively.

Fire Safety Training

Following on from the training needs analysis it is a legal requirement that staff are provided with sufficient and appropriate training to enable them to both minimise the likelihood of a fire incident and to ensure their understanding of the actions to be taken should a fire occur.

The vulnerable nature of many occupants of healthcare premises requires staff to understand the principles of fire safety in the context of a sometimes complex healthcare environment and to fully understand the emergency fire action plan and the principles upon which it is based.

Often staff require knowledge of specialist equipment and techniques that may be required should an emergency evacuation be necessary.

As specialists in the field, Healthfire has extensive experience of fire safety training in the healthcare environment and is uniquely placed in its understanding of the principles of fire safety, the likely causes of fire incidents and the principles of emergency fire evacuation in healthcare premises as supported by the design and physical fire precautions.